I see them all - edits are minoredits. See FRC mode in RecentChanges. Am I missing something?
I do see the edits in FRC. When doing an edit, you can add a comment, just like for a normal edit. Next to the comment box it says "(mass edit) will be appended automatically". But since the mass edits are minor and can be seen only in FRC, no comments are shown, no do they show up in the page info.
It is not necessary for me, only the existence of the comment box is confusing.
I did not mean FullRecentChanges (which does indeed not show any comments), but FRC mode of RecentChanges - there you can see the comments.
Update: oops, just saw that the FRC mode is my private RecentChanges profile. If you like to have it too, go to UserPreferences, section "RecentChanges settings" and set the fourth profile (RC4) to
Name: FRC View: "most recent" Period: 3 days Minor edits for: "all pages" Watched pages #1: check Hl: check Watched pages #2: check Hl: check Watched pages #3: check Hl: (unchecked) Pages contributed: check Hl: (unchecked) Other pages: check Timestamps: check Filter: 0
Edit summaries are now shown in FullRecentChanges too.