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(Request) Full Unicode support [#1467]

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ArnoHollosi: (Request) Full Unicode support (2008-07-05 10:53) [#4843]

(moved from main page)

FredK: Should it be possible to paste japanese kanji (say, a pro's name) into the search field and search? I tried that for a name I didn't know how to read, but it didn't work. But it turns out that there is a page for that pro which includes the characters for his name. So that could have been convenient.

Arno: such a feature would be nice, but GoWiki (the engine underlying SL) is not able to handle Unicode correctly. It is also not very easy to implement, so I have to postpone the solution to your suggestion/wish until a later time.

Bob McGuigan: It's a bit awkward, but you can search SL for a key including Japanese kanji (Unicode) using Google. Under Google's advanced search you enter your search key and lower down on the page is an option to limit the search to a particular domain or site. Simply put senseis.xmp.net in there and it will search SL.

Bob Myers: Or put site:senseis.xmp.net right in the search box along with the Japanese search term.

(later) Arno: until PHP supports Unicode natively (scheduled for PHP6 to be released in 2009) SL can't/won't support Unicode as it should.

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