alter Pedro?: I've never played face to face go ... and I wonder ...
Do players keep records of their moves (like in chess)? all the pictures of boards I've seen don't have the coordinates on them which (in my humble opinion) makes it hard to know where the last stone was played (was that k15 or j15???)
(moved from QuickQuestions)
StormCrow: It depends on the person. Most people I know rarely record casual games. I generally record games I play in a tournament using a program on my Palm Pilot. If games are recorded on paper, they are generally marked up on a grid, rather than as a list of points played.
unkx80: Generally, the records kept look exactly the same as the diagrams you see in SL. =)
repp: I played someone recently who took down the game using a unique system. Counting from the center, each move was marked as xy, followed by an arrow representing the quadrant the move was made in. So, playing on the 4-4 point was marked as "66_|". Stones played next to the previous stone was marked "1^" or something similar. I'd never seen it before but it made for a fast and easy way to track the game.
Charles I believe this system was mentioned in a BGJ article, not long ago.
Benjamin Geiger: See also HowToRecordAGame.
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