Drago 3.10 release - Unicode [#1375]
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Drago 3.10 release - Unicode
(2008-04-27 16:32) [#4643]
I am glad to inform you that the new 3.10 release of Drago can be downloaded at
http://www.godrago.net .
Drago supports now Unicode:
- all available translations are correctly displayed on any computer.
- SGF files are correctly displayed whatever the code page they use. This means for instance that Chinese or Japanese names and comments are correctly displayed.
- Printing and exporting respect also the code page used in the SGF files. Two PDF examples for Chinese and Japanese can be checked at
http://www.godrago.net/PrintSamples.htm .
This is put to work with a Chinese translation of the user interface.
In addition to new commands for position symmetry and color swap, a lot or minor changes and fixes are described in the release notes :
http://www.godrago.net/ReleaseNotes.htm .
These have been added to the following features:
- Drago is a Windows freeware,
- it is a multi-tab browser-editor of files in SGF format,
- it includes all database features from libkombilo,
- it enables to solve problems, or replay games, by letting the user guess the moves of his color,
- it is interfaced with GTP game engines (GNU Go, MoGo, etc.)
- it enables to print or export figures or full games with a lot a formats and parameters,
- it is translated into Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish and Slovak.
Gilles Arcas
Good work, Gilles
(2008-05-01 13:06) [#4655]
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