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misplaced? [#1341]

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isshoni: misplaced? (2008-03-26 00:11) [#4551]

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks for your pages on Maitre Lim. The second go book I read was one of his!

- I guess that move 4 on diagram 1 is misplaced?
- I don't think anybody knows or uses Audouard coordinates on SL.
- If Pierre Audouard has made his sgf-audio reader available or open source, a link on SL could be useful%%%

Malcolm: Re: misplaced? (2008-03-26 14:18) [#4555]

Thanks isshoni, I have corrected it.
I think Audouard coordinates are great, so I've decided to use them on SL. That way more people can be introduced to them. As for the sgf-reader for Audouard coordinates, I'm sure the software could be made available. One would have to see with Pierre A., and/or the person who wrote the software - can't remember who it was. Re: misplaced? (2008-03-27 04:17) [#4557]

Bob McGuigan: At first I was puzzled by Audouard coordinates but after looking at the definition I see several advantages. An SGF record is rather hard to read by humans and the usual coordinate system is also a bit awkward. With Audouard coordinates you know immediately what area of the board a move is in. None of these systems is as good as the numbered diagram system, though.

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