Forum for Chinese Counting

Implications of chinese scoring [#1264]

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rs2: Implications of chinese scoring (2008-01-18 23:05) [#4213]

rs2 9k kgs

I am more familiar with Japanese scoring because that is how I learned. However, I notice that most computers on KGS play Chinese Rules. If I understand these rules correctly, there are two significant differences between Chinese & Japanese rules, both at the endgame. After all dame are filled in and when both players nominally would pass:

 1) invading your opponent's territory does not cost you points, even if your opponent does not respond
 2) playing within your own territory to strengthen (already alive stones) does not lose you points.

Am I correct on both of those? If so, it seems that I would play the endgame a little differently in both cases. It won't affect my play when I know I have read correctly, but if I am uncertain, it seems that I can play in either case (to attack my opponent or to defend myself).

reply ((no subject)) (2008-01-19 18:34) [#4214]

It may end up the same, unless all the dame are gone. In Japanese rules, you give up a point; in Chinese rules, you give up a chance to play a dame which is worth a point. Do note that in the case of there being an even number of dame, it won't matter if you do it once.

reply ((no subject)) (2008-01-21 10:41) [#4218]

If you are uncertain, you should usually attack or defend regardless of the rules. Not making a defensive move in an uncertain situation can cost you dearly. The only time you might hesitate is when you know for sure that you will lose by points if you do make that defensive move. It's the only time when the risk is justified.

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