Forum for How Diagrams Work

More than 10 moves in a diagram? [#1220]

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kb: More than 10 moves in a diagram? (2007-11-30 01:41) [#4096]

Can there be a way to implement more than 10 moves in a diagram? When editing the "code" of a diagram there is a space between each point in the board... there seems to be enough room to add suppport for two-digit numerals representing moves 11, 12, ..., 99 (or even 100 ("00")).


pasky: Re: More than 10 moves in a diagram? (2007-11-30 01:58) [#4097]

The advantage of the current system is that diagrams are easily legible - with more than 10 moves per diagram, it is quite harder to follow, especially for beginners which seems to be major part of the site's audience. So I would say that forcing people to keep one diagram under ten moves is good.

Unkx80: Re: More than 10 moves in a diagram? (2007-11-30 09:32) [#4098]

Implementating more than 10 moves in a diagram is a rather easy thing to do, but Arno deliberately imposed this restriction to make diagrams legible.

kb: Re: More than 10 moves in a diagram? (2007-11-30 19:18) [#4099]

I wonder if more than 10 moves should be allowed for game records, etc. In books, game records are commonly displayed with 50 moves apiece. Having 4 or 5 diagrams just to show a game record or something else seems overkill.

Most of the time, this would be used for 10-15 or 20 move sequences. 10 moves seems rather arbitrary.

Furthermore, I think that the users of Sensei's can make a judgment call when to use the different diagrams. There are etiquette rules for editing on Sensei's, no? Why restrict the diagram technology? Reminds me of some of wms's arguments against removing unnecessary markups in KGS games? because he thought that everyone else's ideas were wrong. (I mean no offense to Arno, of course).


ArnoHollosi: Re: More than 10 moves in a diagram? (2007-11-30 22:28) [#4100]

Yes, 10 moves per diagram is arbitrary. As I think is obvious, it is because there are 10 digits that can easily be used for marking moves in a diagram. Using only one character per point/stone keeps diagrams lean & clean while editing too - a point that is often overlooked, but I think is rather important.

$$B Small avalanche - 19 moves - easy to edit?
$$  ------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . 810 . . . .
$$ | . 9 7 X 512 . . .
$$ | . . 4 3141118 . .
$$ | . . 2 11516 . . .
$$ | . .13 617 . . . .
$$ | . . .19 . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .

While I certainly agree that sometimes having e.g. 15 moves would be nice, it is not a severe limit I think. Otherwise there would have been stronger demand for it.

Btw, I am not keen about 50 moves diagrams in books - I find them hard to read. And, compared to books, we do not easily run out of space around here :o)

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