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(moved) status of insei league? [#12]

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ArnoHollosi: (moved) status of insei league? (2005-10-08 23:48) [#17]

Q: Hikaru79: In Hikaru no Go, Touya Akira checks up on the status of the Pro Exam through the net, where the names of all the insei and their current standings in the exam were shown. I was just wondering if a site like this actually existed on the Nihon-Kiin's page, or if it was just the author taking some artistic liscence when it came to that. And even if there isn't, does anyone know when the pro exam starts? Thanks! =) (My own question taken from the "Insei" page.

A: [ext] http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/saiyo/index2003.htm has the info, but in Japanese only.

(moved from QuickQuestions)

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