Forum for Seki Kotaro

more info [#11389]

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bugcat: more info (2021-11-09 02:13) [#11916]

The site won't let me edit right now ("InsertPage error"), so I'm going leave myself some info for later.

Seki qualified (ie. 1p) in 2017 (平成29年入段) and 2p in 2018 (平成30年二段). iirc, I misinterpreted a Power Report article on him as saying that he was promoted to 3p in 2019; however, it seems that he was really made 3p in 2020 (令和2年三段) based on his 2019 results.

He was made 7p on qualifying to the Tengen match. I found the following description of that match in the Power Report:

The first game of the 47th Tengen title match, in which Seki Kotaro 7P is challenging Ichiriki Ryo, was played at the Genji-Ko, a modern Japanese-style inn in Minami-Chita Hot Spring Village, Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, on October 5. ... Playing white, Seki forced Ichiriki to resign after 130 moves. There is a big gap before the second game, which will be played on November 16.

Soon we'll have to add the outcome of that second game.

As a result of making the Kido prize winners article, I discovered that he was awarded the New Star prize in 2020.

There's also another photo of him at

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-11-11 15:47) [#11925]

Also, he won the 2020 Shinjin O.

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