The style doesn't match any of the classical Chinese games I can remember seeing.
I don't recall the old Chinese being into the one space low pincer, or in any hurry to jump out of it.
John F.The game is well attested and appears in many sources, starting with the Carefree & Innocent Pastime Collection. We even know precisely where it was played: Xianggong High Pavilion, Qionglin Garden, beyond the Xinzheng gate, Kaifeng. See my "Wizardry the Stone Chamber." The game is usually referred to as the Qionglin Game, and is one of several games known from Kaifeng around 1100.
The players are likewise well attested, and have several other games in the corpus (see GoGoD database).
As to the opening style, the pincer was very common and the jump* out was normal - going into the corner was considered bad because of group tax, and Katago has confirmed this.
Thanks again, John.
In an interesting coincidence, I had been reading your 1995 essay Go in Ancient China just before seeing your post.
I assume you're OK with the information from your post being added to the article?