There is a player called 문명근, born in 1954, 7p in 1999, 8p in 2000, 9p in 2007.
He's Moon Myunggun on Go4Go / GoRatings, Moon Myunggeun on the list, and Mun Myeonggeun in the list RR; his photo at the KBA is named MoonMG.
U-Go doesn't have him. A Facebook list gives Myeong-Geon Moon.
I've tinkered around with the names but I can't find an article. It seems strange to me that a player who become high ranked quite a long time ago never received his own page, so I'm checking before creating one.
Have you tried google? There’s a page on SL for this guy.
Like google “Moon Myunggun sensei lib”. No need for “site: something something”.
Ulrich's U-Go database has him too.
Thanks all. I assumed that U-Go always had the hangul for their entries, which I see isn't correct.