Forum for List of Chinese Professionals

book-keeping which ranks have been completed with articles [#10878]

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bugcat: book-keeping which ranks have been completed with articles (2021-07-28 19:20) [#11718]

All 9 dans have articles. I think those articles have all been around for a while.

The 7 dans all have articles as well, some of them new.

We're missing Xie Ke and Wang Guanjun from the 8 dans. I noted Xie Ke's absence years ago but I've never wanted to be the one to write on such a great player.

We only need eight more 6 dans.

I've been working specifically on 3 dans, as is noticeable, and there are only ten left to do.

5, 4, 2, and 1 dan are patchy.

bugcat: 3ps are done (2021-07-28 20:21) [#11719]

The 3 dans are done.

The article quality ranges from "Chinese professional; 3p in 2012" to good pages with hanzi, a birth date, promotion years, PWD / G4G linkage and a photo.

If "Zhang Meibin" never gets renamed Zhuang Meibin then I'll eventually make a new article and tag the old one with a removal request.

bugcat: 2ps getting done (2021-07-29 13:34) [#11728]

The 2 dans are getting done. Only twelve to go.

Debating between

1. continuing down to shodan
2. going back up to 4 dan
3. improving 2 and 3 dan
4. taking a break

Probably a mixture of several. I also might jump ship to the Japanese pros for a while. Not the Korean ones at this time since the romanisation issues will bog me down.

bugcat: 2ps done (2021-07-29 14:04) [#11729]

The 2 dans are complete!

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-07-30 15:42) [#11740]

Added a few Chinese shodans / two dans. Not many, only down to G.

The section is probably still about 2/3 unarticled.

I'm going to abandon the "pros born in the 1990s / 2000s" pages for now, it's a bit busywork to keep them updated at the shodan level.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-07-31 20:04) [#11746]

More steady progress on the shodans. Done to the end of S.

bugcat: shodans done (2021-08-01 16:28) [#11750]

The shodans are done.

Next I'll do the five dans, and then I'll sweep back through dans 1--5 and bring them all up to standard.

After that I'll fill in any high dans that aren't yet done, and then consider moving onto the Japanese.

bugcat: 4ps done (2021-08-04 20:00) [#11751]

Now to the 5ps

bugcat: all articled (2021-08-05 19:26) [#11765]

Well, everyone on the list now has an article.

This is how I envisage the ideal profile.

1. Their romanised name. This is the title -- no particular need for it to appear in the body.

2. Their name in original script. This should be simplified hanzi for Chinese pros, shinjitai for Japanese pros, and hangul for Korean pros. Presuming that they are "non-historical", that is.

3. Optionally an alternative Oriental script. This would most usually be traditional hanzi alongside simplified for Chinese pros, but possibly also hanja for Korean pros.

4. Alternative romanisations. The article should list all romanisations actually in major use to describe that person. It's also good policy to provide Revised Romanisation for Korean pros, I think, even if a McCune?-Reischauer romanisation is already present.

5. Optional tonal pinyin for Chinese pros. In general I think tonal pinyin is more trouble than it's worth unless it's added by a high-level Chinese speaker.

6. A picture, if one can be found.

7. Their country or association.

8. Their rank.

9. Their rank history, as much as can be ascertained.

10. Any family who are also professionals.

11. A link to their association profile. If that can't be obtained then the Perfect Weiqi Database is a good substitute.

12. A link to their profile on a kifu database. I've used Go4Go.

13. Any tidbits, where they were born etc. These are of course optional.

14. For the top pros, a link to their English Wikipedia article and / or their article in the relevant Oriental language. We don't need a direct link to every language: that's provided by Wikipedia itself.

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