Clamp Connection Comparison

Path: <= CGT path =>
    Keywords: EndGame

DieterVerhofstadt suggests a new response to the clamp. Here we compare it with the usual solid connection in a difference game.

Usual connection vs. Dieter's defense  


What happens when Black plays first?

Black starts  

W8 takes back.

Black has one more point of territory and one more captured stone: Black wins.

What happens when White plays first?

White starts  

W9 takes back.

Now White wins by one point.

Since whoever plays first wins, the difference game shows that sometimes the solid connection will be better and sometimes Dieter's defense. :-)

-- BillSpight


Usual connection vs. Dieter's defense  

Truc: In CGT terms the canonical form of these two positions is zero and star, from left to right, respectively. This tells us a lot about the correct defense when there are other infinitesimals on the board.

Bill: Are you referring to the chilled position at temperature 1, when the left side will presumably have been played out? Otherwise the left side chills to something like

 2 || 0 | -Big

Truc: Erm, yes, I assumed the sente would get played out and the positions would get chilled to zero and star (left to right). I was trying to say that if the rest of the board adds up to * we should play Dieter's defense, and if the rest of the board is zero then we should play the usual connection.

Path: <= CGT path =>
Clamp Connection Comparison last edited by Truc on August 18, 2005 - 13:23
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