My name is Brian Jones, and I am from Fairbanks, Alaska. I graduated from UAF, double majoring in Art and Japanese Studies, studied at the University of Hokkaido in Japan, and am now teaching English in Kyotamba, Kyoto-fu, Japan. I seem to now be on track to returning to Hokkaido University as a Graduate student in Computer Science (programming being one of my bigger passions).
I first ran into the game of Go around the beginning of August, 2002. Since then my addiction has fluctuated, and now that I am back in Japan it is back on the rise.
The game of Go was one of the leading reasons that brought me to Japan, but I feel that it is unfortunate that I let it pass by the wayside for awhile. I'm currently trying to get back on my feet, and attempting to regain that intense focus I had when I first began playing.
Recently I found a Go club in a nearby town called Sonobe. I am even strength with all the old men that play there, which they are ecstatic about. The only drawback so far is that they all chain smoke, and I tend to leave with a headache because of it.
Apparently because I am playing there, the Kyoto Newspaper wants to interview me. I guess we will see what happens?