You Know You Are Addicted To SL When
Keywords: Humour
- You set your browser home page to Recent Changes
- You wake up at 2 am to go to the bathroom and decide to check Recent Changes on the way back to bed
- You visit Recent Changes and see nothing new, you hit refresh. Again. +
- You've read every new update on the Full Recent Changes twice, but have unread emails from family members received 2 weeks ago.
- You check the Undefined Pages list and decide to fix the typos found in some of the pages-- or worse, to actually create a page from there.
- You, as a human, spend 2.5 hours trying to manually revert 200+ pages vandalized by spam bots. --MrTenuki and Phelan, who did exactly that on July 9, 2006. (Then again, we probably wouldn't have time to do that hadn't the attack occurred during a weekend...)
- You get banned as soon as you log out, because you looked at too many pages too fast and are considered a bot.