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I'm a Go player in London, England, ranked about 17k. I play on KGS as whatamess. I study Maths and Computer Science at Imperial College.
- Note: There is now a Go society at Imperial. We meet every Wednesday in the Blackett building (no fixed room yet though).
What-A-Mess is an Afghan Hound whose real name is Prince Amir of Kinjan, created by Frank Muir in a series of childrens books, later made into a TV series by the BBC. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/4658/muirwam.html
My progress[1]
- 4/2/05 Well, I'm still [17k?] on KGS. Maybe if I played a few more games I'd lose that ?, and maybe even improve!
[1] Warning: may display bloggish tendencies...