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Updates 19-Apr-2008:

I did surprisingly well at the tournament. I won a game against a 2 kyu using eight stones handicap. I lost a game against a 12 kyu where he had two stones handicap. I am certain I was entered at a rank that was too strong (10.5 kyu). Nevertheless, I am currently ranked AGA 10.5 kyu. Of course, this is only with two games of data.

I seem to have hit a wall in my rank. I went through Janice Kim's Learn to Play Go series, volumes 2 through 5. I got some conceptual help from those, but I still don't practice/play enough to keep my strength up. For awhile, I was at 10 kyu on KGS, but then I didn't play for a time and slipped to 12 kyu.

I really need to play more regularly.

Bio and Intro

I first learned of Go in Fall 2005. I used to play chess, but I'd never go back now. Go is the much deeper, richer game. I prefer to play in person at the Portland Go Club and with friends, but you can find me on KGS too (approx. 12 kyu).

I joined the AGA in early 2008. I will play in my first AGA tournament on 8 March 2008.

My lifetime goal is to be a 1 dan player (or better, of course).

wastelands last edited by wastelands on April 20, 2008 - 00:44
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