waiting ko


. 'wait' is an important word.
. if there are n possible moves,
. n-1 have to wait,
. only one can be realized.


. The internal question is
. NOT Which move is to do
. BUT Which moves can wait,
. in a queue of priorities.


. B can wait, until W finds no points.

Malcolm This shape is called bent four in the corner. It is usually dead; there is usually no need to play a ko during the game. It does depend one which ruleset is used however. "Waiting ko" is not a standard term; I don't think it's a very useful one.


. Then B starts ko.



. Another one. Wait.

Malcolm This shape is dead; White is dead here. It only becomes a ko if Black needs to remove the stones during the game. .

ruf012: Many Thanks


. Start


if Wa then Bb with 1.diagram above.
B waits with the start of ko
until W has no compensation.

Malcolm Here, the best W can do is Wb, which makes an approach ko: W has to let Black play several times elsewhere in order to make life in the corner. The best B can do is Bb, making a position which which is even weaker than bent four in the corner. After Bb White will be dead in most cases.


B has to decide, to allow Wa or
to start ko with Ba, a no waiting ko.
W may find compensation.

W compensation is the difference between
waiting and no waiting ko.
And maybe the use of this term.

waiting ko last edited by on November 25, 2021 - 09:41
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