Ushinohama Satsuo

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(牛之浜撮雄, b.1948) Kansai Ki-in pro, 9 dan in 1977.

Hashiguchi Mika and Muraoka Mika are his pupils.

In the 6th Tengen Challengers' Final played on 23 October 1980, Ushinohama lost a game versus Yamabe Toshiro on time after 51 moves. During the dinner break, Ushinohama had fallen asleep in one of the bedrooms on the 8th floor of the Nihon Ki-in and could not be located to resume the game.

Fairbairn discussed this event twice on L19, both times in 2011: in a dedicated thread [ext] ''Goldilocks go'' and in [ext] ''Igo Kansai''.

Lecture about his playing style (in russian): [ext]

Ushinohama Satsuo last edited by Bodhi on June 15, 2024 - 11:51
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