University of Toronto Scarborough Go Club
Keywords: Clubs & Places
- Club status as of 2010!
Igo Club (University of Toronto Scarborough) (Page Not Found Error 404)
Located at the University of Toronto Scarborough in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, the University of Toronto Scarborough Go Club meets during the school term from September to April.
Meeting location: 1265 Military Trail. (Southeast corner of Ellesmere Road and Morningside Avenue.)
Games held in the Student Centre.
Meeting times: Mondays and Wednesdays 11am-1pm (September-April).
- James Lee, President
- Jeff, Vice-President (away)
- LAI, Vice-President
- K2
- Kingsley
- James
Rankings have not been established yet. If you want to add such information as your KGS ranking or whatever, please do so above. Also, if you are a UTSC Go player and your name is not on the members list please add it.
For more information, contact LAI