Tsumego Lounge
The Tsumego Lounge is a KGS room created for the purpose of studying Go problems (tsumego). It was created by KGS user Piz on 2007.12.19, and can be found in the Room List under Social.
Table of contents |
Some of the demos posted in the Tsumego Lounge have their problems randomly moved to different board positions with either black or white to play first, each time they are posted. This combats the tedium of always having black to play in the top left corner, something common to many problem sets. This, we hope, enhances study by allowing users to apply the same skills in varying ways.
Current Problems
The latest problems and soutions were posted on 2010.07.04. They are:
- Cho Chikun's Encyclopedia of Life and Death: elementary problems #1-614/solutions #1-19, intermediate problems #1-161/solutions #1-19, and advanced problems/solutions #1-19.
- Igo Hatsuyo-ron Collection: problems #1-15.
- Piz's Miscellaneous Collection (small but growing), including two board positions from KGS games of TheCaptain.
Piz will put up new problem sets and solutions as time allows. Anyone can put up problems, though, and we encourage that. Please note that Piz is no expert and probably can't answer questions very well. If you find a solution not yet posted by Piz, let him know and he'll include it in the collection, with full credit to you for your contribution.
Working on a Problem
- Get information about any posted demo by hovering your mouse over it to see the title, which should contain things like a name for the problem/set and a description of its level of difficulty.
- To work on problem, join a game and use either the "Clone game in..." or "View Offline" selection from the Options menu to make a copy. "View Offline" is the preferred method, because cloning the game drops any annotations the file may contain.
- Solutions may be posted in separate demos or, more likely, in separate move trees in the same file as the problem, but of course you should try to solve the problems yourself first.
Posting a Problem
If you want to post a problem, the following guidelines will help you do so in the most effective way:
- Create your problem(s) as a demo game. (It's best to first edit files offline, then load them to the room using the File -> Upload SGF file to... menu item.) You can use Piz's demo games for ideas on how to structure your SGF file.
- Put information about the problem, such as name and level of difficulty, in the game info's "Game Name" field. Include other information in the appropriate fields under Options -> Game Info.
- Put up solutions in separate demos, or use the same format as the problems posted by Piz. It's best if you can provide annotations for moves in the solutions, but there's no obligation to do so.
About Copyrights
Be sure you have legal permission to post your problem and/or solution - we respect copyrights in the Tsumego Lounge, and it's also required by the KGS Terms of Service. If we discover anything posted without permission, we will call down the Powers that Be upon you. Also, Piz will never purposely post anything without permission. If he does accidentally post something without permission, please notify him and he will remove the indicated material.
The following solution collections by Michael Pizolato are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License:
- Solving Cho Chikun's Encyclopedia of Life and Death
- Solving the Igo Hatsuyo-ron Collection
- Solving the IBA Life and Death for Professionals Collection
- Solving Piz's Miscellaneous Tsumego Collection
Some good links containing tsumego or more information:
- Main Sensei's Library article on tsumego
- Tsumego From Games
Hitachi Series
- Benjamin Teuber's Guide to Becoming Strong
Contact Info
Contact Piz on KGS (PM him or leave a message if he's not online) to provide feedback about the room. We welcome all comments, positive or the other kind.