Herman Hiddema: [90] Black can also take the ko with . White can then play as a ko threat, and after white retakes the ko and we get basically the same result.
zinger: [100] Egads, black is risking a lot by doing this! If I were black, I would just play at in the first diagram, then work on the center with a - it looks like enough to win. Sorry for giving a counting reply to a tsumego problem, but after all, the whole board was posted :)
[110] tderz the left side is now worth
This variation is not playable with ! ( instead of a)
[120] tderz: better immediately the ko, as White could not connect with , she would be lost. However, this ko is so big, that only internal ko threats could be valid?
[130] tderz: perhaps something like this (if now m or c, then something like n)
and living with the lower group, or simply c as threat.
Chris Hayashida: I got the idea that this was the sequence that Zinger suggested. While he did mark a on the second diagram, I think he was referring and on the first diagram.
I'm not sure that this would be enough for Black. a, b, and c are all big points, and White has sente. When I was playing, I counted that White was ahead if his group survived. I probably need to re-evaluate this position to see if this is still the case.
zinger: Yes, this is what I meant. I count black ahead by about 10 points on the board, but then there's komi, and it's white's turn. So maybe it's about even. Still, I would do this rather than risk everything, and rely on my endgame. Besides, it looks like white lives anyway. Chris: did you win in the end? By how much?
Chris Hayashida: This is what I played during the tournament. I don't want to list it as a solution until it stands up against scrutiny from the other deshi. If it does, I'll move it to the solution subpage.
Chris Hayashida: [10] This took me five minutes to read out (during the tournament) and I finally played this sequence. It is a similar sequence to what was posted above, but I played atari with and saved the other moves for local ko threats.
Chris Hayashida: [20] If , then White throws in at and catches the marked black stones in oiotoshi for a second eye. This is what happened in the game.
Chris Hayashida: [30] This was the variation that I wasn't as sure about. leads to ko, but I think White has a huge number of local threats, starting with .
tderz: [32] a and b are miai - hence White cannot live without ko and must exploit (internal) ko threats c, d, else or in combination.
Chris Hayashida: [40] If Black plays to resolve the ko, then again catches the marked black stones in oiotoshi for the second eye.