Tsumego From Games 54
Board size : 19
Event : 27th Japanese Kisei
Round : league B
Black player : Cho Sonjin
White player : Cho Chikun
Komi : 5.5
Date : 2002-06-20
Result : B+R
Game source : http://www.go4go.net/
Application : sgf2misc:3.1.9
tderz's 3 questions:
- 1) Black B189 at c?
- 2) Confirm that after B215 bent-4
- 3) How to shape this stuff here into Senseis diagrams?? (in an easy way)
Question 1
While replaying, I wondered if Black attacks at c?
- Are the 4 stones important?
- Black can save the important part - or not?
- Black was winning anyway, so it does not matter so much.
- There must have been complications and reasons not going for the kill of the big white group with move 189.
- My question: what were these complications?
tderz: Thanks for replying to the questions,
I should have seen this myself!
I only hope that I did not think much at all, otherwise it's embarassing to overlook this connection.
Question 2