The Road To One Dan / Errata

Sub-page of TheRoadToOneDan

These errata refer to 'Volume 1 20-17 kyu', first edition, 2006.

p3 & 5, footer
Wrong: The Load to One dan Vol. 1
Right: The Road to One dan Vol. 1
Doubtfull: 1's one space response is cramped. It matches the left side distribution well.
Perhaps?: 1's one space response is cramped. It matches the bottom distribution well.
p15, Dia. 11
Wrong: If whtite doesn't go against the lower right corner...
Right: If white doesn't go against the lower right corner...
Doubtfull grammar obscuring meaning: "The guided intent by this soft situation is the opening of the upper and lower part is the same."
p15, Dia. 12
Wrong: 1 is in the right direction because the lower ride side is valuable.
Right: 1 is in the right direction because the lower right side is valuable.
p17, Dia. 15
Wrong: Black should be aware of the face that ...
Right: Black should be aware of the fact that ...
p17, Dia. 16
Points A & B mentioned in text are missing from diagram.
p25, Dia. 12
Wrong: Splitting with white 1 will stop black form playing those moves.
Right: Splitting with white 1 will stop black from playing those moves.
p48, Dia. 5
Wrong: It is a typcial confrontration between territory and influence.
Right: It is a typical confrontation between territory and influence.
p83, Dia. 24
Wrong: This is a lesson that requires to be remember no matter what.
Right: This is a lesson that requires to be remembered no matter what.
Wrong: Only one out of the four black stones is alive.
Right: Only one out of the four black groups is alive.
p165, Dia. 4
Wrong: Would this effect the result?
Right: Would this affect the result?
p191, Dia. 8
Wrong: Even if he wins the half point pae whote has 55 points and black has 54 points.
Right: Even if he wins the half point pae white has 55 points and black has 54 points.

The Road To One Dan / Errata last edited by PeterHB on July 9, 2007 - 17:52
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