Page 38: Second paragraph, "Diagram 38a" should be "Diagram 39"
Page 40: First paragraph, "Diagram 41" should be "Diagram 42"
Page 73: Uberdude: The analysis/diagram of "Kitani's counterargument" is incorrect: the game move of 89 was as below which lives but allows white to make a seki later:
It then explains that Kitani did not like to live in this way because "Even without the move of , which is at
here, the Black group would have been completely alive with a stone at
. But to have this unnecessary stone at
just to leave a seki is unbearable for professionals...". This text is correct, however the accompanying diagram removes both the
stone and the hane in the corner (
) and shows the following sequence (left) which is supposed to show black being alive.
However black is not alive here: white can connect at and black cannot connect at the triangled point to avoid a false eye as he is short of liberties (and if he takes the two stones then white plays the triangled point). Presumably the diagram should already have a black stone at
(in which case a throw in at
is simply answered by capturing it), but the inclusion of the 7-8-9 stones is puzzling.
Bill: The diagram in the Japanese book is this.
Without the White connecting stone on C-18 Black is alive. The throw-in at 8 takes away a potential White liberty. :)
Page 84: Middle of the page, "we'd have been better off playing ",
should be
Page 84: 3 paragraphs lower, "It was through
should be