Terms In Dutch Go Magazine
Keywords: Go term
In reaction to some statements in the English Go Terms / Discussion, I have made a list of Go terms which appear in the Dutch Go magazine ('GO'). I have looked at all game analyses in two editions, 34:6 (December 1997) and 36:6 (December 1999), and divided those by language.
Dutch terms (with English translation; if the literal translation is not in use, both are given):
- afknippen (to cut off)
- centrum (centre)
- dekken (to cover; to connect)
- diagonaal (diagonal)
- dood (dead)
- dreiging (threat)
- driepuntsuitbreiding (three point extension)
- dwangzet (forcing move)
- een-punts sprong (one point jump)
- eerlijk (honest)
- eindspel (endgame)
- gebied (territory)
- gevecht (fight)
- groot (big)
- grote paardesprong (large knight's jump)
- hangende verbinding (hanging connection)
- hoekafsluiting (corner enclosure)
- inklemmen (to jam in; to pincer), inklemming
- invasie (invasion)
- invloed (influence)
- kluit (lump; clump)
- knip (cut)
- knippen (to cut)
- knipsteen (cutting stone)
- ko-dreiging (ko threat)
- ladder (ladder)
- ladderbreker (ladder break)
- lege driehoek (empty triangle)
- leven (to live)
- licht (light)
- muur (wall)
- nahand (????; gote)
- nieuw fuseki (new fuseki)
- offeren (to sacrifice)
- ombuiging (bend)
- oog (eye)
- oogruimte (eye space)
- open (open)
- opening (opening)
- oprapen (to pick up; to capture)
- plakzet (sticking move; tsuke)
- probeerzetje (try-out move)
- reduceren (to reduce)
- schouderklap (shoulder hit)
- sleutelzet (key move)
- solide (solid)
- sterk (strong)
- sterkte (strength; thickness)
- sterpunt (star point)
- strategie (strategy)
- tegenaanval (counterattack)
- traag (slow)
- uitbreiding (extension)
- vangen (to capture)
- verbinden (to connect)
- verlengen (to extend)
- voorhand (???; sente)
- vorm (shape)
- vrijhedennood (want of liberties; lack of liberties)
- vrijhedenstrijd (liberty fight; semeai)
- zwakte (weakness)
- zwaar (heavy)
English terms:
- fighting spirit
- flow
- overplay
- peep
- pincer
- settelen (that's "to settle" made into Dutch)
- soft
- squeeze
- timing
Japanese terms (left untranslated)
- aji
- atari
- fuseki
- hane
- hoshi
- ikken-tobi
- joseki
- kakari
- kikashi
- ko
- kosumi
- miai
- moyo
- ponnuki
- semeai
- sente
- taisha
- tesuji
- yosu-miru
Japanese terms (used with Dutch translation provided at least the first time they were used in a game; translations have been translated)
- aji (possibility, possiblities)
- furikawari (equivalent exchange)
- geta (net)
- gote ('nahand')
- hane (bending move)
- hoshi (4-4)
- ikken-tobi (one point jump)
- kakari (corner approach)
- keima (knight's jump)
- kikashi (forcing move)
- kosumi (slanting move)
- miai (if you play one, I play the other)
- nobi (to extend)
- ogeima (large knight's jump)
- sabaki (light shape)
- sagari (to stretch)
- semidori (being forced to capture the opponent's stones {i.e., to take them off the board})
- takamoku joseki (a joseki after the approach move at the 5-4 point)
- tengen (the center point)
- tesuji (clever move)
- tsume (extension)
- wariuchi (splitting move)
- yosu-miru (testing move)
Finally, I found one example of a Korean term plus translation:
- ki (fighting spirit)
-- Andre Engels