Square Squared
SquareSquared version 3 (or s2v3 for short)
SiouxDenim: This is the third revision of the rules. You can read the previous versions in the archived pages.
I've been reading about Star, a perfect information turn based game with similarities to Hex and Gonnect. So similar in fact, I wondered if it can be converted into a Go variant game on a square board (it's a 5 sided star shape in *star, oddly enough).
This is my (3rd) attempt:
In *star, the object is to own as many edge points as possible. I take this rule directly into SquareSquared. No other points on the board score (unless the outside ring is jigo). In fact, I'll go further and decree Go rules apply in all respects except scoring. Go rules being TrompTaylor, in case you're wondering. To claim a point, you actually have to play a stone on it.
In *star, there is a four point group tax. This appeared in v1 and v2 of the s2 rules, but has now been disregarded. It was hard to see how to apply the tax to sekis. So it is no more.
In *star, if the score based on the system described above is tied, then the owner of the majority of the 5 corners of the star wins. Not such a useful idea on a square board. Instead, if the score on the outside ring is tied, use the second row ring, then the third etc. Finally, if all of the other lines are tied, the middle point will determine the winner on odd boards. Even boards can have Jigo.
OK, maybe I need to clarify a few things that are Go related, but don't come up in *star.
I decree that points are given according to the number of stones actually on the edge. Where possible, make your eyes away from the edge, so these don't waste points. Likewise, if you join groups together, fewer edge eyes will be required.
I've played a few games against myself, I suggest 6x6 or 7x7 boards are a good place to start.
The game *star (pronounced star-star) and played on a star shape, was created by someone called Ea Ea. Hence, as my game is on a square, SquareSquared vaguely fits the pattern.