SportAccord World Mind Games

    Keywords: Tournament

The [ext] SportAccord World Mind Games (SAWMG) was an elite competition for various mind games including Go. Held each year from 2011 to 2014 in Beijing, China.

It was principally organised by Thomas Hsiang, who has been both the Secretary General of the International Mind Sports Association and the Vice President of the International Go Federation.

Videos from the 2012, 2013 and 2014 editions of the event were uploaded to a dedicated [ext] youtube channel. The other games were chess, xiangqi, draughts and bridge. The channel has some of youtube's few English xiangqi commentaries.

The coverage of the 2012 edition includes an [ext] interview with a teenaged Joanne Missingham, who was "Go Ambassador". Straight afterwards is a commentary by Michael Redmond and Chris Garlock on a game between Ilya Shikshin (then still an amateur) and Murakawa Daisuke, an early example of the Redmond-Garlock pairing that was famously seen in the 2015 AlphaGo-Lee Sedol match..

SportAccord World Mind Games last edited by Bodhi on June 24, 2024 - 12:41
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