Slidey Go
Slidey Go is identical to normal Go, except that instead of playing a stone, a player may elect to slide any one of his already played stones one space orthogonally (i.e., up or down, left or right). This variant can give rise to peculiar life and death situations, since you can often slide a stone from a useless position to a vital point.
Invented by Tamsin in 1999. Best played on a small board, e.g., 9x9.
Warfreak2: I once played this on 9x9 at KGS, with the restriction that this could only be done up to three times. It changed one dead group into being alive (unfortunately, my opponent's ^^), and saved a point or two in the endgame; other than that, the extra ability is not so useful. Making good moves in Go means not wanting to change the moves later. Changing a move rather than playing another one means having one less stone on the board, which is rarely advantageous.
Malcolm Variants of this:
- A player's move can consist of both a standard Go move (placing a stone) and sliding a stone (0 or 1 stones slid)
- A player is allowed to slide stones of either colour.
- Allow players to slide stones up to N times each move.