Shite Fuseki
The Shite Fuseki, or Shite Opening, is an opening idea introduced and named after Taiwanese player Niu Shite.
The idea
The purpose of is to use it as support for corner joseki. The first move by black can be either 3-4 or 4-4, which can lead to different approaches and joseki. The placement of at the 7th line makes it not only work as a ladder breaker in any joseki involving ladders, it also functions as an early blocker to form a moyo from the sides.
If the opponent approaches the bottom 3-4 stone on the 3rd line, black can pincer the white stone, which usually forces white to jump out to the 5th line. Then black's followup can easily become a formidable wall with just one move at the 5th line to connect the 3rd line pincer stone and the fuseki stone on the 7th line.
Alternatively, if white crawls underneath, just ignore it with a high cover already there for any outside influence and take sente to play elsewhere.
The opening can be classified as being oriented towards influence. The placement of the signature stone has some similarities to the Great Wall Fuseki.