Sammy Eyeballs
I use this page as my full profile, because KGS has a 1,000 character limit. I’m LGSam, the Lawful-Good Questionnaire Extraordinaire! I was LeGoSam?, but now I'm not. Anyway, now it has good musics on it, check 'em out!
I’ve been playing Go since April 27th, 2018. I’m a former member of the Open Study Room Team, the administration group in one of the greatest online Go communities. Check it out sometime:
Profile from January 5th, 2020 and previous:
LGSam: PSA: Life can be amazing sometimes. Keep that in mind, ALWAYS, because the moments that are make the rest of it all more than worth living.
LGSam: "Supernaut", Black Sabbath
LGSam: I saw brand new colors today
LGSam: and I never want to not feel that again
7/9/20 - So close to profound, yet so far - the TengenBot? tries...
TengenBot?: A list of all colors in the universe: Void black, the color of the void, in which all existence exists. Any other colors are simply the color of the universe itself. This is the reason why the universe is void.
I've been a Go player (and a KGS user) since April 27th, 2018.
Full profile on Sensei's:
r0n1n: I don't drink coffee, don't smoke, don't eat out, and I'm still broke, I think there's a bug somewhere
dsaun: i think shape lecture refernce will be on my tombstone :) LeGoSam?: lol dsaun: hi sam dsaun: "here lies dsaun, who couldn't read his way out of a box, and still can't" :)
A questionable limerick in honor of the master of questionable limericks: Once, there was a great man named dsaun. // A grand Go legacy had he drawn // that will be remembered, and celebrated too, into each and every new dawn.
A questionable limerick in honor of the master of questionable limericks
Once, there was a great man named dsaun. // A grand Go legacy had he drawn // that will be remembered, and celebrated too, into each and every new dawn
The strongest Go player should aim to win only just.
A true knight of the goban makes plays that are noble and global. A play that is noble is one that has high moral principles, so they strive to do the best that they can, even if that means sacrifice later on. Not always, of course, but when the situation that calls for selflessness appears, they will do what they must. If a person believes whole-heartedly in the Golden Rule, AKA "Treat others the way you want to be treated", then they will always try to treat others the way they would want to be treated. I always think of the stones of opposite colors as equal intentions, to provide and support for their own, misunderstanding that the other people are trying to do exactly the same thing. So if you play nobly throughout the entire match, you are not only providing for your own, but not obliterating the other side. To not obliterate the other side, as if one can understand that each side is only trying to provide for their own, one can understand that yes, there is conflict, but that there can also be enough for both; so if one understands this, one can appreciate winning by very little. That is winning as the strongest player. So if there must be a winner and a loser, if one simply understands the needs of both, they will both have enough. Do you ever feel as though you are creating a bit of history between these two communities, thrust into an open world, trying to provide for themselves? These two communities, made up of stones that are entirely alive at your fingertips, do much of the same that the best of all people do, the best of all communities, all families, do.
I’m not going to lie, I like fighting in Go. I’m also not very serious about Go. But if I were… my aim would be to be at the level where I can win every match, only just.
Wall of Awesome Teachers Here on KGS (include but are not limited to):
HelloKitty? [-] Please message me if you knew anything about this user, HelloKitty?. I'd really appreciate it.
OwyheeMud? [-]
anjarubik 1k
Epiphany 4k His Go page: Epiphany: Try to see ALL moves in the context of the whole board
Starfall or StarfallN 1k
Brokencrow 1k?
leachy 1k
felino 2k
dansugo 2k
kissole 1k?
NoFear? ~2k
decros 1d
cats > ~2 dan
dsaun [-]
Mirak 1k
Noomkwah 1d
rats 4d