Fayetteville Go Club
2016-01-29 We are currently making an attempt to re-form the Fayetteville Go Club (formerly the Northwest Arkansas Go Club). We are registered with the AGA and have roughly 5-10 players who meet irregularly. Contact Jasper here if you're interested in playing: http://www.usgo.org/where-play-go?state=AR#listing
The Northwest Arkansas Go Club has not been active for some years.
For Go players in the Northwest Arkansas area. Join the Facebook group "Northwest Arkansas Go Club" for information about meeting times and places.
The club was once known as the Fayetteville Go Club but has recently changed its name to attract members from outside just that area. The club includes some 10 fairly active members. Strength ranges from 20 kyu- about 3k. The members of the club have a strong emphasis on getting stronger as opposed to just playing, though we do enjoy playing too. It is not uncommon for a club meeting to consist of several game reviews and only one or two games. Our Facebook group extends this activity outside of the set meeting times. Come and join us we would love to play you. Most of us are on KGS look for me I am Skymnolf
8/12/2011 - We're back after a bit of a summer hiatus and beginning to get some new players. If we get many more, then we will have to start looking for a bigger venue = good problem to have!