KGS nick of player - unstable 5k at the moment[1]
Real life: 13k EGF
I usually play at KGS, gomub, gofme, at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona i al restaurant xinès del carrer Bailén.
There are many players I know I would like to play. Here I'll post comments on this topic (to be updated soon :P).
We met each other three years before beginning to play go. This was our last game (he won).
Please, visit his web on go and don't miss his Clases de go!
This is our only game. I won, but I think it was because H7 was too much.
Here is one of the most exciting sequences of the game! (note: move 109, number 5 in the first diagram, kills a stone at G9)
Here's another list: the go players who are go players because of me:
- Noether (Chopina)
- Gerard
- ... more to come! :-)
I am a Hikaru fan. I have seen all 75 animes and have read all mangas. However, there are some of them which nobody I know have seen translated to English. If you knew where to find mangas 168-171 in English (or other occidental language like French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,...), please, edit this page :-).
Some links
Benissanet Institute of Technology
RBerenguel: Et quedarà millor la pàgina si la partida amb kuiper la poses com a subpage (i.e. quedaria ripero/kuiper-ripero, però ara no recordo com es creen). I per cert, el link 1 com pots veure no funciona, borra'l. Ala, see you. Borra el comment quan ho hagis canviat o quan et roti.