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KGS nick of player - unstable 5k at the moment[1]

Real life: 13k EGF

I usually play at KGS, gomub, [ext] gofme, at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona i al restaurant xinès del carrer Bailén.


There are many players I know I would like to play. Here I'll post comments on this topic (to be updated soon :P).


We met each other three years before beginning to play go. This was our [ext] last game (he won).


Please, visit his web on go [ext] and don't miss his [ext] Clases de go!

This is our [ext] only game. I won, but I think it was because H7 was too much.

Moves 105 to 114  
Moves 115 to 124  

Here is one of the most exciting sequences of the game! (note: move 109, number 5 in the first diagram, kills a stone at G9)


Here's another list: the go players who are go players because of me:

  • Noether (Chopina)
  • Gerard
  • ... more to come! :-)


I am a Hikaru fan. I have seen all 75 animes and have read all mangas. However, there are some of them which nobody I know have seen translated to English. If you knew where to find mangas 168-171 in English (or other occidental language like French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,...), please, edit this page :-).

Some links

[ext] ripero's blog

[ext] Benissanet Institute of Technology


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End position  



RBerenguel: Et quedarà millor la pàgina si la partida amb kuiper la poses com a subpage (i.e. quedaria ripero/kuiper-ripero, però ara no recordo com es creen). I per cert, el link 1 com pots veure no funciona, borra'l. Ala, see you. Borra el comment quan ho hagis canviat o quan et roti.

ripero last edited by ripero on October 19, 2007 - 23:15
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