Pure And Simple - Takao's Astute Use Of Brute Force / Errata
These errata refer to the first printing, March 2007.
- p4, last paragraph.
- Wrong: There are serveral other word that could be brought up...
- Right: There are serveral other words that could be brought up...
- p8.
- Wrong: I expect that for amateurs this is often he reason for losing.
- Right: I expect that for amateurs this is often the reason for losing.
- p51, Dia. 1
- Dubious: White is determined to settling on the upper side with 26 before anything else.
- Perhaps: White is determined to settle the upper side with 26 before anything else.
- p56, Incorrect diagram.
- In place of the correct initial diagram 1 is actually a copy of diagram 4 from p52.
- p75. Dia. 3
- Incorrect idiom usage. Ref.: http://wsu.edu/~brians/errors/worse.html
- Wrong: Now, if worse comes to worse, White has scope left to make life on the right side.
- Right: Now, if worse comes to worst, White has scope left to make life on the right side.
- p82, Dia.8
- Wrong: Compared to Diagram 2, where White was permitted to build a territorial framework on the lower side, which attacked White's base in the lower left making the game difficult for White to play.
- Right: Compared to Diagram 2, where White was permitted to build a territorial framework on the lower side, Black attacked White's base in the lower left making the game difficult for White to play.
- p117, Incorrect diagram.
- In place of the correct diagram 9 is actually a copy of diagram 10 from p107.
- p125.
- Wrong: Of course, the question about how play will continue in this area, but let's examine what the pure and simple line of play is.
- Right: Of course, the question is about how play will continue in this area, but let's examine what the pure and simple line of play is.
- p146, Dia.2
- Wrong: Instead of 31, the pincer of black 1 is a pure and simple way of playing.
- Right: Instead of 27, the pincer of black 1 is a pure and simple way of playing
- p161, Figure 9, incorrect diagram.
- In place of the correct figure 9 is a repeat copy of diagram 5 from directly above on p161.
- p206, Dia.2
- Wrong: At 36, white 1 would be a mild play that only seeks to capture Black's four stones, and allows white 2 through 6 with the result that White has been forced horrendously in the upper left.
- Right: At 36, white 1 would be a mild play that only seeks to capture Black's four stones, and allows Black 2 through 6 with the result that White has been forced horrendously in the upper left.
kaiou: Does anyone have the missing diagrams, from the japanese version of the book?