Potential Value of Thickness
This is my term for the whole amount of profit one might hope to make from thickness by actively exploiting it, that is, by extending from it and using it as support for fighting. The potential value is the most you could get from it, while the deadweight value is the very least you will get.
BobMcGuigan: I think accurately estimating the point value of thickness is very difficult. I do know that there is a proverb to the effect that thickness shouldn't be used to make territory. This applies to the early and middle part of the game. Towards the end, when there's nothing left to attack, it is OK to convert thickness to territory. Really, thickness is used for power in fighting, and the territory comes according to make territory while attacking, or from threatening attacks using the thickness, or from the opponent having to hold back, not being able to stretch as far as he/she would like because of thickness. Another proverb supporting these ideas is "drive your opponent toward your thickness". Because of this the value of thickness depends on what can be accomplished in other parts of the board and is heavily dependent on what's going on elsewhere. I recommend studying the games of Otake Hideo to see how thickness should be used. In his games he often seems to be behind territorially until fairly late in the game and then, because of his thickness, territory just wells up everywhere.