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Name: Alfredo
Nationality: USA (Italian-American)
Rank: 9 kyu

I am currently living in Japan, and took up Go as a way of meeting (intelligent) people and making new friends. I've since become very interested in the game itself, and am working hard to improve my skills. Since I have plenty of opportunity to play in-person games, and since Go is a socializing medium for me, I haven't been playing online at all.

I've been studying at a Japanese Go school for about a year under the guidance of two Japanese professionals (father and son). Recently, I've begun to frequent a second Go school, and to play at various Go salons in my area. I plan to start playing online, too, in the near future.

Due to the incredible popularity and influence of Hikaru no Go, Go has not only become very popular with Japanese children, but also with young women. For any of you guys interested in finding an intelligent Japanese girlfriend, Go might be a good way!

Though I still haven't fully mastered it, I'm fluent in Japanese, and I've studied Japanese culture for many years. I have a master's degree in applied cultural anthropology focusing on Japanese-Western cultural differences in particular (values, worldview, social and communication styles, etc.) I've also lived and worked in Europe.

Platypus last edited by Platypus on December 10, 2010 - 00:27
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