Velobici: 20030818 Patrick, please consider ordering the page from most recent addtions at the top to oldest material at the bottom. Those of us wanting to follow your progress will find it much easier to do so if the new material is at the top. Reading the page, entry by entry, from bottom to top is not hard for folks new to the page. Similarly, writing the dates YYYYMMDD results in a form that everyone will understand. Europe, Asia and the US have variations on DD-MM-YYYY and MM-DD-YYYY.
PatrickB: I've reordered things to try to make it easier to catch updates. Thanks for the tip - it's a good idea. More are certainly welcome, as this is new for me. As for the dates, I really don't like YYYYMMDD, as it just looks like a jumble of digits to me. I'll use things of the form 18-Aug-2003 instead, since it's unambiguous and I find it more readable. Fair enough?
Velobici: Fair enough! Thank you very much. The YYYYMMDD format is not very user friendly. I happen to use it because ASCII sort order of files named that way match chronological sort order. Easy when scanning filenames and directories, so I store game records as 20030818-patrickb-velobici.sgf. Its just a personal quirk ;)
Nacho: I do the same, for the same reason, but I add a "-" to make the date more readable. So, instead of writing 20030818, I prefer 2003-08-18, which keeps the advantage of easy sorting, and is more user-friendly.
PatrickB: I've split the blog into multiple pages, with the main page containing a log of the current month's studying, and past studying, discussion, and the study plan moved to other pages.
TimK: I see that you're working on entering the SegoeTesujiDictionary as SGF files. I've been doing this too, so that I'll be able to use them with GoGrinder. Are you translating the Japanese as well? Maybe we could work out a trade - entry of the problems for the Japanese translations, or just work together on entering the problems.