
Sub-page of Oryx

What I'm doing with a home page here

I intend for this to be mostly a Go diary, noting things I learn (or re-learn) as I return to Go.

My past

I first learned Go while I was in high school, back in 1969, and played for a while under a Korean sensei in college between 1970 and 1972. After a number of life changes, including getting married, having loads of kids [and now grand kids!], and moving from the US to Israel, I ceased to play Go on a steady basis for a number of years.

I resumed regular play in August 2004.

My present

I work as a computer "Guru", one of those people who are supposed to know everything about anything, or else where to find it; sometimes I even do! I specialize in algorithms, Oracle, and systems, with interests in encryption, coding paradigms, and training.

Under my second "hat" (on my second head?) I'm a Wordcrafter, which is sort of a tech-writer/ marcom author/ editor/ translator/ etc. for a growing Israeli hi-tech firm.

At this point (Sep 2004) I'm KGS 24K, but we'll see how that stands up to r/l play in one of the local Go clubs.


KGS now thinks I'm 21K. If it only _knew_!


On KGS I'm now 19k! I still feel like 21k... maybe I should actually play some Go rather than writing about it?


After suffering through a 14-game losing streak ("Let's Go Mets!"), I finally broke through with a 0.5 point squeeker. My KGS rank is more correct now at 20K, and I feel that I have to consolodate my playing habits, i.e., try to avoid the auto-ataris, and not extend too far thus cutting myself off.
I think I've absorbed the concept of moyo, though resisting a corner fight whilst going for the larger picture is still a challenge. I have discovered the use of a keima as an invasion method... see the Jotting on this on the main page.

Oryx/about last edited by MrTenuki on July 9, 2006 - 00:19
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