tderz: unkx80, you just edited on this page.
How would you translate the title of this book?:
Ní Línqiáng wéiqí bùbù gāo xíngshì pànduàn hè zuòzhàn
decide (on?) the combat (according to?) circumstances ?
unkx80: I think the main difficulty you have here is in segmenting the title into the correct words or phrases. The segmentation is roughly as follows:
(倪林强) ((围棋) (步步高)) ((形势判断) 和 (作战))
(Ní Línqiáng) ((wéiqí) (bùbù gāo)) ((xíngshì pànduàn) hè (zuòzhàn))
The first part is the name of the author. The second part is the name of the book series, indicating that it is for improvement in Go. The third part gives the contents of the book, which translates directly to "positional judgment and fighting".
tderz: Thank you , Unkx80 ( "positional judgment and fighting". )!