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I'm a 19yo from Brisbane, Australia! My dad andi taught me to play go, and once we both had learnt, we basically just left it at the 30 kyu stage. After seeing the Hikaru no Go anime, though, we started to seriously play. That was around June 2004. We joined the Brisbane Go Club, and I've been playing on and off since then, although I tend to play more off than on. Currently, I'm 2-3 kyu in my club rankings, (around 6k on KGS). I've been a committee member of the Brisbane Go Club since 2006.

My alternate account on KGS, which I use most of the time nowadays, is Kifudancer. Feel free to ask me for a game, or a teaching game, or whatever.

My favorite go proverbs are:

  • "Assume perfect play"
  • "Your opponent's good move is your good move"
  • "Play on the fourth line of a bamboo joint"

And of course, best of all:

  • "If white has all four corners, black should resign"
  • "If black has all four corners, black should resign"

- A little hard on black, don't you think?

Mils last edited by on November 26, 2008 - 12:15
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