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My name's Michael Arlain. I play on Kiseido Go Server (KGS) as Mile. My old account is Shadowkid, I occasionally use that account for fun, but not often. I also play as PH34R.

Currently, my rank says 7k, but I don't really lose to 7k's anymore, and I often beat 6k's. The thing that keeps me down is my oddly crappy reading skills. I think I got strong by remembering patterns and learning to use them in my games, rather than really working on my reading skills. I try to solve go problems, but either A) I don't feel like I'm focusing or B) I find the first move or two, but not the entire sequence for the play.

I think this is because while others were practicing life and death problems, I was practicing tesuji problems. I figure they both teach you reading skills, but perhaps there's a difference somewhere? Feel free to comment on this, if you like.

I'm in the Kisei Clan on KGS. That's all for now. =D

  • Update* I made 6K! At first it wasn't stable and my rank kept switching between 6 and 7K, but now it's solid. =D It made me very happy.

Mile's Theme Song: "Fighter" By Christina Agulera

fernobob: I'm Fernobob, as is hopefully fairly clear and am somewhere in the 11-13k range on KGS. Would you like to be my mentor?

Mile last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 11:33
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