Making Good Shape / Errata

Sub-page of MakingGoodShape

Making Good Shape was reprinted (Second Printing March 2006), most of the errata listed under First Printing December 2002 have been corrected. Unfortunately, some errata are still present.

Second Printing March 2006

p3, first paragraph.
Wrong: But when White ataris with 4, Black connects with 5.
Right: But when Black ataris with 4, White connects with 5.
p3, last paragraph.
Wrong: White captures with 6 and Black ataris again with 7, forcing Black to connect at 8 in Dia. 6.
Right: Black captures with 6 and White ataris again with 7, forcing Black to connect at 8 in Dia. 6.
p5, first paragraph.
Wrong: Black pushes up at 2. If White extends to 3, Black exchanges 4 for 5, forcing Black to make an empty triangle.
Right: White pushes up at 2. If Black extends to 3, White exchanges 4 for 5, forcing Black to make an empty triangle.
p5, second paragraph.
Wrong: Next, he can attack the stones above by attaching at A, or he attack the two white stones below with 1 in Dia. 14.
Right: Next, he can attack the stones above by attaching at A, or attack the two white stones below with 1 in Dia. 14.
p18, first paragraph.
Wrong: The ponnuki at A is particular ineffective in that it ...
Right: The ponnuki at A is particularly ineffective in that it ...
p28, last paragraph.
Wrong: White must answers Black 1 by striking at the vital shape point with 2 in Dia. 19.
Right: White must answer Black 1 by striking at the vital shape point with 2 in Dia. 19.
p34, last paragraph.
Wrong: After White 6,
Right: After White 4,
p38, penultimate paragraph.
Wrong: Black 1 in Dia. 13 also
Right: Black 1 in Dia. 12 also
p39, last paragraph.
Wrong: The shape made by White 5
Right: The shape made by Black 5
p40, last paragraph.
Wrong: If Black cuts at A, Black will
Right: If Black cuts at A, White will
p47, last paragraph.
Wrong: Black B is sufficient to hold Black back.
Right: White B is sufficient to hold Black back.
p67, problem 13.
Wrong: Black has ataried with the marked stone.
Right: White has ataried with the marked stone.
p75, problem 28
The diagram is wrong compared to all the answer diagrams. It should be as the diagram below where the left white stone has moved one point right.
Corrected diagram  
p82, problem 43.
Wrong: If Black plays at either A or B, Black starts
Right: If Black plays at either A or B, White starts
p82, problem 45.
Wrong: White can sacrifice three
Right: Black can sacrifice three
p85, problem 49.
Wrong: After Black 3 in Dia.2, White can't resists with 4.
Right: After Black 3 in Dia.2, White can't resist with 4.
p93, problem 68, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Continuation
Right: Variation
p94, problem 71, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Variation
Right: Failure
p117, problem 123, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Failure
Right: Variation
p138, problem 165, last line.
Wrong: If Black answer White 1 with 2 in Dia.2, White 3 threatens to play at A.
Right: If Black answers White 1 with 2 in Dia.2, White 3 threatens to play at A.
p173, problem 225.
Wrong: After 2, White can deprive White of his eye shape by peeping at A.
Right: After 2, White can deprive Black of his eye shape by peeping at A.
p174, problem 226.
Wrong: White exchanges2 for Black 3, then jumps to 4.
Right: White exchanges 2 for Black 3, then jumps to 4.
p182, problem 239.
Wrong: The knight's move of White 1 in Dia. 1 is the right way for Black to defend his moyo
Right: The knight's move of White 1 in Dia. 1 is the right way for White to defend his moyo
p186, problem 245.
Wrong: ...forcing White two capture two stones with 6.
Right: ...forcing White to capture two stones with 6.
p186, problem 245.
Wrong: one-way street..
Right: one-way street.

First Printing December 2002

Front cover.
Wrong: Rchard
Right: Richard
p3, last paragraph.
Wrong: White captures with 6 and Black ataris again with 7, forcing Black to connect at 8 in Dia. 6.
Right: Black captures with 6 and White ataris again with 7, forcing Black to connect at 8 in Dia. 6.
p5, second paragraph.
Wrong: Next, he can attack the stones above by attaching at A, or he attack the two white stones below with 1 in Dia. 14.
Right: Next, he can attack the stones above by attaching at A, or attack the two white stones below with 1 in Dia. 14.
p8, second paragraph.
Wrong: With no defects to exploit, thick position are hard to attack, so they must have good shape.
Right: With no defects to exploit, thick positions are hard to attack, so they must have good shape.
p11, second paragraph.
Wrong: the ones at 12 and 14 are two close
Right: the ones at 12 and 14 are too close
p28, last paragraph.
Wrong: White must answers Black 1 by striking at the vital shape point with 2 in Dia. 19.
Right: White must answer Black 1 by striking at the vital shape point with 2 in Dia. 19.
p33, last paragraph.
Wrong: Instead of 4 in Dia. 17, Black...
Right: Instead of 4 in Dia. 17, White...
p34, last paragraph.
Wrong: After White 6,
Right: After White 4,
p38, penultimate paragraph.
Wrong: Black 1 in Dia. 13 also
Right: Black 1 in Dia. 12 also
p39, last paragraph.
Wrong: The shape made by White 5
Right: The shape made by Black 5
p40, last paragraph.
Wrong: If Black cuts at A, Black will
Right: If Black cuts at A, White will
p47, last paragraph.
Wrong: Black B is sufficient to hold Black back.
Right: White B is sufficient to hold Black back.
p53, third paragraph.
Wrong: The joseki move after the diagonal jump of White 1 is the attachment of Black 2 in Dia. 14. White also attaches with 3.
Right: The joseki move after the diagonal jump of White is the attachment of Black 1 in Dia. 14. White also attaches with 2.
p56, last paragraph.
Dubious: Instead of 3, where should
Perhaps: After 3, where should
p57, second paragraph.
Wrong: extend to 2 or
Right: extend to 3 or
p62, first sentence.
Wrong: We have seen in Dia. 21 on page 59 (White 5) how increasing the number of stones to be sacrificed can destroy the shape your opponent's stone.
Right: We have seen in Dia. 21 on page 59 (White 5) how increasing the number of stones to be sacrificed can destroy the shape of your opponent's stones.
p70, problem 17.
Wrong: Black A is too small to played in the opening stage.
Right: Black A is too small to play in the opening stage.
p74, problem 25.
Wrong: Black must fall back
Right: White must fall back
p74, problem 27 Dia. 2
Missing annotation "10 at 3".
p75, problem 28
The diagram is wrong compared to all the answer diagrams. It should be as the diagram below where the left white stone has moved one point right.
Corrected diagram  
p82, problem 43.
Wrong: If Black plays at either A or B, Black starts
Right: If Black plays at either A or B, White starts
p82, problem 45.
Wrong: White can sacrifice three
Right: Black can sacrifice three
p85, problem 49.
Wrong: After Black 3 in Dia.2, White can't resists with 4.
Right: After Black 3 in Dia.2, White can't resist with 4.
p88, problem 57.
Wrong: White still needs to defends his stones at the top.
Right: White still needs to defend his stones at the top.
p93, problem 68, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Continuation
Right: Variation
p94, problem 71, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Variation
Right: Failure
p98, problem 81.
Wrong: If White answer 1 with 2 in Dia. 2,Black plays 3 and 5.
Right: If White answers 1 with 2 in Dia. 2, Black plays 3 and 5.
p110, last paragraph.
Wrong: White will atari with 1, then defend with 4.
Right: White will atari with 2, then defend with 4.
p113, problem 112.
Wrong: If Black answer White 1 with 2 in Dia. 2, White links up to his stones on the left with 3.
Right: If Black answers White 1 with 2 in Dia. 2, White links up to his stones on the left with 3.
p116, problem 120.
Wrong: White can't push in at A because, after B, a cut at C behind is left behind.
Right: White can't push in at A because, after B, a cut at C is left behind.
p117, problem 123, label for Dia. 2
Wrong: Failure
Right: Variation
p159, label at top of 2nd problem.
Wrong: Problem 196
Right: Problem 197
p166, problem 210.
Wrong: ...forcing White to connects at 2.
Right: ...forcing White to connect at 2.
p168, problem 213.
Wrong: If White 2 at 4, White 3 at A is again sente.
Right: If White 2 at 4, Black 3 at A is again sente.
p173, problem 225.
Wrong: After 2, White can deprive White of his eye shape by peeping at A.
Right: After 2, White can deprive Black of his eye shape by peeping at A.
p174, problem 226.
Wrong: White exchanges2 for Black 3, then jumps to 4.
Right: White exchanges 2 for Black 3, then jumps to 4.
p179, Problem 237.
Wrong: Black to play
Right: White to play
p182, problem 239.
Wrong: The knight's move of White 1 in Dia. 1 is the right way for Black to defend his moyo
Right: The knight's move of White 1 in Dia. 1 is the right way for White to defend his moyo
p183, problem 243.
Wrong: Black to play
Right: White to play
p185, problem 243.
Wrong: Suddenly, the makred stones at the top are under attack.
Right: Suddenly, the marked stones at the top are under attack.
p186, problem 245.
Wrong: ...forcing White two capture two stones with 6.
Right: ...forcing White to capture two stones with 6.
p186, problem 245.
Wrong: one-way street..
Right: one-way street.
p188, first paragraph.
Wrong: In such circumstances, professionals usually falls back on their knowledge of shape.
Right: In such circumstances, professionals usually fall back on their knowledge of shape.
Back cover : second paragraph.
Wrong: They determines whether your stones
Right: They determine whether your stones

Making Good Shape / Errata last edited by ocrow on April 17, 2015 - 23:44
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