MadLab Tesuji Solver is a program for solving open-space capture problems. Written in Java, MadLab runs on all major platforms and is available at MadLab was commercial but is now free of charge in its full version.
The program guarantees 100% correctness of its solutions, and it can also analyze whole games, scanning them for tesuji.
MadLab comes with 997 capture problems extracted from real high-level games. The 997 capture problems can also be freely downloaded as SGF files here:
Example of an open-space capture problem (Lucky's Problem):
The problem is open-space since the marked stones are not surrounded by outer walls of stones like semeai or tsumego problems. MadLab is aimed at open-space capture problems, and the engine is based upon the so-called Lambda Search algorithm.
Author of MadLab: Thomas Thomsen.