Leon Robski

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Hmm... well, to begin, my real name isn't actually Leon Robski ;) but you can still call me Leon.

I started playing Go sometime before June 2011 after watching "Hikaru no Go", and subsequently played my first game against an actual human on the 26th of June, 2011 on KGS (before that I only played against computers, particularly igowin in 9x9 games).

Since then, my interest in Go has regularly waxed and waned every few months, with the result that I currently only hold a rank of 9k on KGS...

In the beginning, I played with a very influence oriented style influenced by Takemiya Masaki's Cosmic Go style, with the consequence of gaining a lot of tactical experience killing groups inside my omoyo. Even now, I sometimes use that style against more territorially oriented players.

As such, I usually open with sanrensei as black and nirensei as white. There was a period where I tried out the Chinese fuseki since I kept losing against it, but it turned out rather badly... Nowadays, I will prevent the completion of the Chinese fuseki at all costs, even abandoning the nirensei to approach the 3-4 stone if I play as white, since I still hate playing against it :(

Another defining feature of my play (one which I'm not exactly proud of) is my tendency to make several blunders per game. It occurs most often when I'm under severe time pressure (I tend to play rather slowly), but I usually manage to fight back and win most of the time.

Well, that's it for now^^ My games can be found at [ext] http://www.gokgs.com/gameArchives.jsp?user=leonrobski

Leon Robski last edited by Malcolm on February 7, 2023 - 19:56
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