
Sub-page of KyuExercise66

kokiri I'm game. This W1 is option a, and I think it's wrong. The reason being, that after the exchange of B2, W3, White playing at W5 doesn't make an eye at black+circle. Black can play the sequence c-e to render the eye false. Thus I think that white should connect the other way (i.e. at b), to retain the option of making a (gote) eye at black+circle

Gresil Why would black play B2 above instead of at W5? It doesn't seem to serve any purpose.

kokiri - good point. I've got it back to front, but I think the point remains the same. If White plays W1 as above, then he cannot come back (at a later stage of the game) and make an eye at W5, because of the sequence B2, W3, c, d, e. If White, however, connects directly at W3, then White still has the option of later making a gote eye with W5.

KyuExercise66/attempts last edited by on July 8, 2008 - 11:53
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