unkx80: This appears to be one of those problems where the original problem poster has left SL a long time ago, yet nobody here is exactly sure of what solution to expect.
I suspect the intended solution is something along this line: the key is to force and so that can separate the White stones at the top.
togo: at seems to be enough to defeat this plan.
togo: Maybe ko is the solution ( at a).
togo: Oh, well, forget it: White at b saves the white group (Also with eg. at and at ).
hnishy: White starts a throw-in ko and use as a local ko threat. Black a is a ko threat, but it also gives White one or two threats. White can resolve the ko by playing at b!.
BCh I don't see how to avoid a ko after white 6, but that's a ko that black takes first. is not a ko as white can force a, b after