Kono Takashi
Keywords: People
河野 貴至 (贵至)
b. 1974-05-14
Nihon Ki-in professional
1p 1991
2p 1991-09-27
3p 1992
4p 1994
5p 1996-05-08
6p 1999-04-23
7p 2001-10
8p 2010-11-05
Takashi is the son of Kono Yukio.
At the end (12-27) of 2021, he had played 857 games: 509 wins, 344 losses and 4 jigo.
He authored the book 基礎力アップ問題集 (Kisoryoku Up), published in 2017.
His VIAF author disambiguation ID is 388149196366774790370, and his
WorldCat ID is the same, except with "viaf-" prepended.
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Pictured: Kono's book, 基礎力アップ問題集