KGS Leagues

    Keywords: Tournament, Online Go


Registration for the January/February session is now closed. I won't be accepting any registrations for the March/April session just yet, please check back in about a month.

The [ext] webpage is done now!

I'm still looking for one or two more league directors to take some work off my shoulders, it's not much, just that I have so many of them! ;) Please [email] email me if interested.

-- mgoetze

Rengo League

Well, why not? The question would just be how many pairs would be willing to participate. So, if you are interested, first agree with a partner to play together, then email me about it.

Due to the extra difficulty of scheduling rengo games, I would run this league on a more relaxed schedule (3 or 4 months).

Note - I haven't gotten any registrations yet, not even from Javaness who asked about this...


Fhayashi: I'd rather see a lose-and-out, single elimination tournament. Get 32 players, seed them according to rank, and let them go at it. If interests permits, break it down to multiple 'sections', based on time zone.

mgoetze: I'd be willing to organize this if there were significantly more interest in it than in a league system (though it would probably be lose-twice-and-out).

Nacho: I like the idea. I'd prefer japanese rules, though, but you can't get all you want all the time. And I also prefer japanese byo-yomi, by the way.

Velobici: If we can have both leagues and tournaments, the more the merrier! If we have to choose between leagues and tournaments, I would prefer the leagues as opposed to a tournament. Leagues would result in more games played by each player. At mid and lower kyu levels, the number of games played may lead to quicker learning that a single or double knockout tournament. Each player would encounter and need to succeed against the full range of playing style of all other members of the league. After all everyone would prefer to be 1d than to be the 10k tournament winner.

mgoetze: A note on the rules. I am assuming that most people will just use Japanese rules and it won't be much of an issue. However, I sympathize strongly with those who want to avoid such a baroque and hard-to-understand ruleset, that is why I have chosen NZ rules as the "fallback".

In other news, some people have expressed the wish for longer time limits (specifically, one person said he prefered 50+ minutes main time pllus overtime ;), what do the rest of you think?

GralAnibal: Since ppl have different "lag times" a longer/relaxed time (30min main time minimum) will be helpfull for fair and nice games.

ChrisSchack: What sort of playing schedule would we be looking at here? A game a week, a game a day, a game a day against each...

mgoetze: I was thinking of "a game whenever you can arrange it with your opponent". Rather like the KGS Team Tournament. Since you would play each opponent once per session, that would give about a game a week on average.

Velirun: What exactly would be involved in being director for the double-digit kyu league? I'm interested...

mgoetze: As league director, you would check that games were played as reported, keep track of results, and adjudicate any disputes between players (notably as to who's fault it is that a game didn't get played)...

Fhayashi: Who volunteered me for the 'double elimination' format? I've deleted my name from that list.

mgoetze: Well, you're the one who suggested that kind of format, I thought there was a reason for it... anyhow, it doesn't seem to have caught on, so that idea is scrapped for now.

Fhayashi: I said single elimination.

KGS Leagues last edited by mgoetze on December 26, 2003 - 18:18
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