KGS-Automatch is a setting enabling direct automatic pairing of playing partners on KGS
according to preset conditions - if they are met!
Here is the KGS automatch feature help page.
Velobici: Is the automatch feature of KGS so wow that it should have its own page rather than be mentioned on the KGS page ?
I don't have an opinion on that matter. tderz
Gougou?: To make automatch more popular, here is an idea: when you press automatch, you automatically challenge all of the open games that are within your specification. This would get you a game even quicker, and hopefully would make automatch more useful in the future.
rlshutt: Im trying to understand where automatch gets its candidates to match. does it search certain rooms or does it have a separate list somewhere of those who have pressed "automatch" or what ?
RueLue: Opponents are chosen from all players with 'Automatch' switched on and matching settings. Those games are not played in a room. Some more questions are answered on the KGS page 'Automatch'