Jaw Strap / Discussion

Sub-page of JawStrap

This page contains the original example for jaw strap, which has since been replaced.

Jaw strap  

B1 is the jaw strap, a rarely used term for a form of net.

Herman Hiddema: Can anyone show a sequence that captures if white stretches to a? I've been puzzling on it for quite a while, but nothing seems to work. Nothing can work really, because if black does not take a liberty, white can always play b. The obvious move seems to be c, but if white plays d the result is quite disastrous with black losing all his stones in the corner.

Sloppy net  

This line is a failure for Black. The sacrifice/squeeze for the outside doesn't seal white in.

Danilo Mello: B6 in the place of W7 starts a ladder.

B4 tenuki  

This is playable and the correct use of the jaw strap. B2 plays the jaw strap tesuji again. Black ends in sente because the forcing move at a guarantees a connected shape on the outside.

Atari and fix  

Compare the jaw strap with this. Black sacrifices a little less, and after the sequence to W4 must protect the cutting point at a with B5 at b. (Taking sente is possible but the shape will play out different if not worse than above. For one thing, !W is in a good place. Assuming he wants to take sente, Black would rather build influence facing the center using the jaw strap.) -Slarty

Q: is this synonymous with Davies' "loose ladder"? A: Similar. Both are nets/squeezes inviting white to extend a ways


Without the stone at a it works  

The white stone at a looked odd to me all the time. Didn't know how you could end in such a shape in a natural sequence.

How does this work?  

Tapir: Indeed it doesn't. black+circle stones die. Wonder how Bob came up with this example.

Jaw Strap / Discussion last edited by 2804:014d:baa7:a4fe on May 19, 2020 - 03:14
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